Monday, October 1, 2007

after a long time

After nearly three months of inactivity, it's time that I start blogging. Much has happened since I last posted: summer ended, school has begun, and I'm living in Bologna, Italy! I am studying abroad for one year at the University of Bologna. For those history buffs out there, the University of Bologna is the oldest university in the world! The school began in 1088 and can claim Dante, Petrarca, Copernicus, and the like to its long list of acclaimed alumni. Academically speaking, my main focus is related to European politics (since I am a Political Science major); generally speaking, my main focus is about experiencing Italian life and culture as much as possible.

I left the States on Sunday, August 26 after saying my "goodbyes" to family and loved ones and I might also add that this would be my first time out of the U.S.! After seven straight hours in the air, my flight landed at de Gaulle Airport in Paris for a four hour layover. As we were preparing to land, I caught a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower peering over the city's early morning fog. At the risk of sounding cliche, chills ran through me as I sang "Bonjour, Paris" (from the movie, Funny Face) in my head.

Fortunately, I traveled with several other students who are studying abroad with me, so time passed quickly in the airport...

Finally, at about 4 p.m. on Monday, August 27, I arrived in Bologna, Italy! With one look my love affair with Italy began! Just for some background, Bologna is the capital city of the Emilia-Romagna region in Italy and one of the most developed cities in Italy. Romano Prodi, the Prime Minister of Italy was born and resides in Bologna. I've actually seen him riding his bike early in the morning! Perhaps I'm biased but I recommend taking a quick look at this Wikipedia article on Bologna to learn a little bit about this incredible city! Here are a few pictures I've taken of Bologna's Piazza Maggiore and the city's famous porticoes...

I've now lived in Italy for over a month and survived a month-long intensive language period. Today was the official start of my Junior year of college classes. Tomorrow I'll post a little information about the courses!

If you wish to see pictures of my first few weeks here and the places I've visited so far, click here! For now I'll simply say "ciao" with the promise of blogging much more regularly! Ciao!


Anonymous said...

One month and counting! How many days til Christmas? Miss you, Mrs. Salvi

Anonymous said...

You write very well.